An Update on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Retina
New tools offer potential to expand access to care and improve clinical efficiency and quality of care.
By Daniel Wang, MD, Jennifer I. Lim, MD, FARVO, FASRS
Low Vision as a Litmus Test for Retinal Therapy
Comprehensive low-vision services go far beyond simple magnification.
By Rashid M. Taher, MD, Marc Jay Gannon, OD, FAAO
Robotic Technology for Retinal Surgery
These systems' full potential has yet to be realized.
By Matthew J. Gerber, PhD, Jean-Pierre Hubschman, MD
The Emerging Role of Intraoperative OCT for Retinal Surgery
Image-guided technologies are rapidly advancing.
By Emese Kanyo, BS, Austen N. Knapp, MD, Justis P. Ehlers, MD
Update on Applications of Teleophthalmology in Retina
Home monitoring and AI promise to bring ophthalmology forward in telemedicine.
By Dinah Chen, MD, Yasha Modi, MD , Lama A. Al-Aswad, MD, MPH
Web Exclusives
The Potential of 3D Printing Technology in Retina
There could be a future in 3D printing for therapies and tissue replacement.
By Eric Butterman, contributing writer
UPFRONT: Robots in Retina
By Peter K. Kaiser, MD
CLINICAL TRIAL DOWNLOAD: Preliminary Phase 2 Data on High-Dose Aflibercept
Experts discuss their potential impact on treatment of wet AMD.
By Yasha Modi, MD , David A. Eichenbaum, MD, Dilsher S. Dhoot, MD
CODING Q&A: What Counts as Test Interpretation
The why, how, and when are important.
By Suzanne L. Corcoran, COE
Xipere Suprachoroidal Sustained Release Suspension Receives FDA Approval
Approval marks the first for a therapeutic delivered suprachoroidally.
By Jennifer Ford, content director
Genentech's Susvimo Drug-delivery Device Approved
Patients will need retreatment only every 6 months.
By Andrew E. Mathis, PhD, contributing writer
Photobiomodulation Misses Mark in DME Trial
Red light delivered to the eye with wearable device did not benefit in humans.
By Andrew E. Mathis, PhD, contributing writer
Gyroscope’s Gene Therapy Continues Positive Reporting
No dose-related adverse events were identified.
By Andrew E. Mathis, PhD, contributing writer
Data Presented From 2 Regenxbio Trials
ALTITUDE and AAVIATE trials promising for subretinal and suprachoroidal delivery of gene therapy.
By Andrew E. Mathis, PhD, contributing writer
Novartis Receives Application Approval for Beovu, Acquires Arctos
Several agencies are evaluating Beovu for DME as Novartis expands into optogenetics.
By Andrew E. Mathis, PhD, contributing writer
Adverum Reports Phase 1 OPTIC Results
Patients in high-dose group saw 97% reduction in number of injections needed.
By Andrew E. Mathis, PhD, contributing writer
SUBSPECIALTY NEWS: Mixed results for GA drug, positive data on RPE transplant, FDA approval of biosimilar of ranibizumab, and more.
By Rochelle Nataloni, contributing writer