“All Good Things … ”

Jason S. Slakter, MD
It all began more than eight years ago with a phone call from Doug Parry, who later became the publisher of Retinal Physician. Doug asked, “Do you think there is a place for another publication for the retinal community, and if so, would you like to help make it happen?”
This conversation represented the first step in the creation of Retinal Physician as we know it today. What was clear at the outset, and even more evident today, is the need for a publication to tackle the latest developments in our subspecialty with an open mind, a critical eye, and a forum for discussion and debate. Over the last seven-and-a-half years, we have worked hard to make Retinal Physician worthy of your attention, both as readers and as contributing authors. I sincerely hope that we have been successful in that endeavor.
Given that the mission of Retinal Physician is to keep things timely and fresh, I decided that this goal should be extended to the leadership of the journal as well. As a result, I have made the decision to step down as Editor-in-Chief and turn the reins over to Dr. Peter Kaiser of the Cleveland Clinic. I know of no one else in our field better suited to take the publication forward and make it even better than it is now. As you will come to learn, Peter is an exceptional individual with expansive knowledge both in the medical and surgical fields of retina, coupled with a desire to teach and learn in a dynamic and engaging manner. I look forward to working with Peter as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board, and even more importantly, to read the upcoming issues of Retinal Physician under his leadership.
I want to take this opportunity publicly to thank publisher Doug Parry, medical editor Andrew Mathis, executive editor Jack Persico, and the rest of the management, editorial and production teams of Retinal Physician, who quite literally made my job possible. I also want to express a heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of the members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose thoughts, contributions, encouragement and, yes, criticism made it possible to publish a quality magazine nine times a year.
Finally, my sincerest thanks go to all of you, the readers of Retinal Physician, for making us a successful publication and providing the very reason for our existence.
In closing, I must wholeheartedly disagree with the famous and often-used phrase “All good things must come to an end.” For Retinal Physician, even better things are just around the corner.