Combo System Delivers Safety and Choice
Samantha Stahl, Assistant Editor
Any single machine that can accomplish multiple procedures is a welcome addition to a compact operating room, and multispecialty surgical centers cheer any opportunity to conserve on capital equipment investments. With the new Stellaris PC (Procedural Choice) Vision Enhancement System, Bausch + Lomb now offers a solution for the space-deprived and those who may need both anterior and posterior segment surgical capability in one device. The two-in-one device offers both state of the art vitrectomy and phacoemulsification systems to satisfy the needs of vitreoretinal and cataract surgeons alike.
“The ability to perform combined cataract and vitreous surgery with a single pack is important,” says Carl Awh, MD, of Nashville, who uses the system for all vitreoretinal procedures.
“The other major advantage is that Stellaris PC is designed to be more compact and economical to use. It is optimally engineered — not over-engineered — to address one of the primary needs of today's surgeons: the ability to deliver excellent care while managing costs.”
One of the Stellaris PC's most crucial features is the 5000 CPM pneumatic vitreous cutter, which Dr. Awh says is superior to the cutter technology of older devices. “It allows me to remove vitreous more rapidly and with reduced traction. The port of the cutter is also closer to its tip, allowing me to more easily dissect membranes from the retinal surface.” The high-speed cutter also has an optimized duty-cycle, which he says makes it simple and intuitive to use.
The Stellaris PC is the only vitreoretinal surgical system that comes with a dual light source with selectable color filters, which Dr. Awh cites as one of his favorite features. “The new light source provides outstanding illumination, with extremely bright light filtered for safety and enhanced tissue identification and removal.”

Bausch + Lomb's Stellaris PC is capable of both vitrectomy and phacoemulsification.
In terms of learning curve, Dr. Awh says his staff found the machine extremely easy to use and there was marked improvement in set-up efficiency and user interface over older models. “I'm still learning how to best utilize the switchable color filters, which can be foot-pedal controlled,” he says. The filters allow differentiated viewing that lets the surgeon better see ocular tissues regardless of the surgical conditions.
Though compact convenience is nice, safety is indisputably every surgeon's first priority. The Stellaris PC comes well equipped to provide patient protection. “The improved tissue identification and removal and cutter technology all contribute to more effective care. Of course, my staff sees the wireless foot-pedal as a major advantage,” says Dr. Awh. One less cord to clutter the OR floor is one less opportunity for an unfortunate snag.
The Stellaris PC's tubing system allows higher vacuum levels without risk for surges and instability in the anterior chamber, while the capabilities for 1.88-mm phacoemulsification means smaller surgical incisions. The system also works with Bausch + Lomb's 25-, 23- and 20-gauge retinal surgery instruments. Lightweight, high-speed vitrectomy probes are available for both conventional and transconjunctival vitrectomy.
While Dr. Awh points out that a good surgeon can use virtually any current vitrectomy device to successfully perform surgery, “the advantage of Stellaris PC is that we can do our cases more efficiently and with an improved margin of safety.” RP
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