Back to Atlantis

I am usually someone who bemoans the fact that time passes so quickly, and certainly, as we approach the end of 2008, it is hard to believe that another year has gone by. But then again, this may be one year that most of us will be happy to see come to a close. Personally, I will not miss the seemingly endless political ads that we have been inundated with for the last 18 months. And of course we all want to put the current financial crisis behind us and see at least some encouraging news on the economic front. I certainly hope that 2009 will bring with it a more positive outlook for the future.
On a professional level, next year brings with it a bit of a mixed blessing. Typically, I look forward to the opportunity to meet with friends and colleagues at the numerous subspecialty meetings that occur throughout the year. Following the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting, we will have to wait almost a full year before the combined Macula Society, Retina Society, and American Society of Retinal Specialists meeting in New York. While this conference will certainly be well attended and the scientific content of the presentations at an extremely high level, it will not likely provide the same sense of personal interaction that one can expect from a smaller meeting.
To fill this void, I am very pleased to announce that the 2009 Retinal Physician Symposium (RPS) will be returning to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, March 25-28. This was the original venue for our meeting and one that proved to be a memorable experience for all. For those of you who have not attended the RPS meeting in the past, the symposium offers an exceptional opportunity for the sharing of ideas and innovations in the retinal field in a congenial and lively atmosphere. Not only are the formal presentations of the highest caliber, but the active participation of all attendees allows for an open and frank discussion of the controversies that face us in our daily practices. The unique, highly interactive nature of the RPS makes the meeting both educational and thoroughly entertaining as well.
The venue also offers an opportunity for the entire family to enjoy the conference as well. Since we were last there, the Atlantis has expanded and improved to become an even greater world-class resort. The preliminary agenda for the scientific sessions is included with this issue of Retinal Physician, as well as available on the Web at www.RPsymposium.com.
On behalf of everyone at Retinal Physician magazine, I want to wish you a joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy start to the new year. We also look forward to seeing you at the Atlantis in 2009!