True 3D Observation of Retinal Layer Pathology With a Non-contact Lens
Volk Optical has developed a third generation of patented double-aspheric optic lenses, named the Digital Series.
Part of the series, the Digital High Mag lens, is designed to deliver the highest resolution retinal imaging of any non-contact lens. This high-magnification slit lamp lens produces detailed 3D views of the retina both for general diagnosis and to assist in identifying glaucoma at its earliest stages.
The 55 D lens magnifies images 1.3x, delivering 3D-topographical views of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer. Its enhanced stereopsis allows detection of optic disc swelling and cupping, and serous macular fluid.
The Digital High Mag's low-dispersion glass construction reduces chromatic aberration for high-resolution retinal imaging. An anti-reflective coating, optimized for visible light, reduces the incidence of glare and reflections, producing better digital slit lamp photographs. The Digital High Mag's patented double-aspheric design assures optical quality with undistorted views across the lens.
"I keep a Volk Digital High Mag Lens in my coat pocket whenever I'm in clinic. I think of it as a 'poor man's OCT' because of the outstanding resolution and stereopsis it provides," says Carl C. Awh, MD. "Its image rivals that of many contact lenses, yet without the inconvenience and patient discomfort. More importantly, the non-contact design preserves the corneal surface for any diagnostic testing needed later that day."

The Volk Digital Series provides high-resolution retinal images with reduced glare and reflections.
The Digital Wide Field lens, also part of the Digital series, provides the widest, high-resolution field-of-view imaging past the vortex. The enhanced double-aspheric design and multi-layer coating provide high-resolution stereo views of the retina with minimal reflections. The Digital Wide Field lens's magnification is comparable to a 90 D lens and has small pupil capability.
The Digital 1.0x imaging lens, also a part of the Digital series, has a 1 to 1 magnification ratio for easy measurement of the optic disc. The lens is optimized for the visible spectrum and was designed to reduce glare and reflections during general diagnosis and slit lamp imaging. It provides a high-resolution view of the posterior pole and a sharper image across the diameter of the lens. The Digital 1.0x imaging lens can also be used in slit lamp photography.
The Digital ClearField and ClearMag lenses are specifically designed for use in binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO) examinations. The combination of magnification and field of view offered by this lens pairing exceeds that of the industry standard 20 D BIO lens. The Digital ClearField's 2.79x image magnification and 72° field of view deliver detailed mid and far peripheral retinal views, while the Digital ClearMag's 3.89x image magnification and 49° field of view are optimal for detailed optic disc and posterior pole examination.
For more information about the Digital Series, visit or phone Volk directly at (800) 345-8655. RP