ASRS Special Edition
Jason S. Slakter, MD
A careful analysis of therapeutic options and the clinical trial results that are available will help to guide physicians in managing patients in this new era. It behooves all of us to pay close attention to the literature as well as to engage in an open, frank, and honest dialogue with our colleagues, which will ultimately assist in deriving the best approach to managing our patients.
In the spirit of change and open dialogue, I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming 2nd Annual Retinal Physician Symposium to be held in the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas from May 31 to June 3, 2006. The lineup of speakers is first rate, but, more importantly, we again expect to have a lively interactive discussion on the issues facing all aspects of our profession.
On behalf of the publishing team and the entire Editorial Board of Retinal Physician, let me wish you all a Happy New Year; I am certain it will be filled with even more exciting new developments and changes in our field.