A New Forum for Retina Specialists

Jason S. Slakter, MD
Welcome to the exciting new journal, Retinal Physician, a publication designed to serve an unmet need in our subspecialty community. We are seeing a proliferation of new ideas for the diagnosis, management and treatment of vitreoretinal and macular diseases, and this journal will be an open forum for discussion of these ideas. In addition, it will help the practicing retina specialist understand the ramifications of these new approaches and how they will affect clinical practice.
The number and variety of reports addressing these new ideas has increased dramatically. Some represent pilot trials and uncontrolled studies; others are well-conceived and well-conducted clinical trials; still others, in venues such as the AAO, ARVO and subspecialty meetings, mainly provide one point of view, that of the presenter. There is an important need to synthesize this information and to understand the potential pros and cons of each approach.
We intend to provide a comparative evaluation of treatment strategies and highlight how they will complement, enhance or even replace currently employed therapies. We will also focus on bringing these new concepts into the "big picture" of how we manage our patients day-to-day. To further help us understand where new developments are in the course of investigation, we will publish regular clinical trial updates, including status of the studies, when data is expected to be available, and the stage in the FDA approval process. We'll also address other important topics, including coding and reimbursement and imaging technologies.
This inaugural issue of Retinal Physician focuses on age-related macular degeneration, an excellent topic given the rapid developments taking place. Several antiangiogenic agents, in particular the anti-VEGF agents Macugen and Lucentis and the angiostatic cortisene Retaane, may receive FDA approval in the near future. The introduction of these and other agents will have a profound impact on our patients as well as on us.
The information in this issue gives you the opportunity to see the value of a publication like this. As we proceed to subsequent issues, we welcome your feedback on the format, content and approach of the journal.
On behalf of the entire Editorial Board, I hope you will find that Retinal Physician presents clinically relevant information for the practicing retinal physician in a comprehensive and open fashion.